Fun data mining script
Quote from ljunggren on February 4, 2021, 12:13 amHi guys!
I've created a little script to do some simple data mining in the Cucumber logs. I feel that the Cucumber logs are really useful to express business impact, but not so good at assessing the technical work that needs to be done.
As we know have the concept of root-cause and known-issue, but not the summary logs that reflect this data, I created a simple bash script to extract some interesting facts from the run
#!/usr/bin/env bash FILE_PATTERN="$@" if [[ -z "$(ls -1 $FILE_PATTERN 2>/dev/null)" ]] ; then printf "\n" echo No report files exists. Exiting... printf "\n" exit fi if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null then printf "\n" echo "JSON parser jq could not be found" echo "Please install it!" printf "\n" exit fi total_scenarios="$(grep Scenario $FILE_PATTERN | wc -l)" failed_scenarios="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep failed | wc -l)" printf "\n" printf "#############################\n" printf "### TEST SCENARIO SUMMARY ###\n" printf "#############################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$total_scenarios" ] then printf "No scenarios found\n" else printf "Total: %s\nFailed: %s\n" $total_scenarios $failed_scenarios fi total="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | wc -l)" failed="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep failed | wc -l)" skipped="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep skipped | wc -l)" pending="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep pending | wc -l)" printf "\n" printf "#########################\n" printf "### TEST STEP SUMMARY ###\n" printf "#########################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$total" ] then printf "No test steps found\n" else printf "Total: %s\nFailed: %s\nSkipped: %s\nPending: %s\n" $total $failed $skipped $pending fi all_issues="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements'[0].extraData |jq -c 'select(.rootCase != null)' |jq -c '"\(.rootCase.errHash)#\(.rootCase.desc)#\(.rootCase.type)#\(.rootCase.scope)#\(.id) "' | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//')" unique_issues="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements'[0].extraData |jq -c 'select(.rootCase != null)' |jq -c '"\(.rootCase.errHash)#\(.rootCase.desc)#\(.rootCase.type)#\(.rootCase.scope)"' | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//'| sort | uniq -c | sort -r)" total_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep "#" | wc -l)" tbd_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep null | wc -l)" application_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep app | wc -l)" automation_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep auto | wc -l)" unknown_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep unknow | wc -l)" printf "\n" printf "###########################\n" printf "### ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS ###\n" printf "###########################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$unique_issues" ] then printf "No issues found\n" else printf "Total issues: %s\nTo be defined: %s\nApplication: %s\nAutomation: %s\nUnknown: %s\n" $total_issues $tbd_issues $application_issues $automation_issues $unknown_issues printf "\n" printf "Most impactful issues\n" printf "\n" echo "${unique_issues}"|sed 's/#/ /g' fi slow_steps="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements' | jq -c '.[] |.steps'[] | jq '"\(.result.duration/1000000)ms_\(.name)|"' |sort -Vr | head -10 |sed 's/^.//;s/.$//')" #times="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements' | jq -c '.[] |.steps'[]| jq '"\(.result.duration) \(.name)"' |sort -Vr | head -10 | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//' | awk '{system("date -d@"$1/1000000000" -u +%H:%M:%S")}')" printf "\n" printf "##########################\n" printf "### SLOWEST TEST STEPS ###\n" printf "##########################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$slow_steps" ] then printf "No test steps found\n" else echo $slow_steps|sed 's/_/: /g' |sed 's/|/\n/g'|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' fi worker_list="$(ls -rt $FILE_PATTERN | xargs grep -ho "\[m.*t.*\].*" | sed 's/..$//')" printf "\n" printf "####################################################\n" printf "### JOB/WORKER LIST SORTED BY TIME OF COMPLETION ###\n" printf "####################################################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$worker_list" ] then printf "No jobs found\n" else echo "$worker_list" fi printf "\n" printf "### END REPORT ####\n"In order to use this script, simply run the following commands in your bash shell
curl -o chmod +x ./ *.jsonI hope this simple script can inspire you to create your own utility scripts, and maybe I can share them in the bz-utils repo
Hi guys!
I've created a little script to do some simple data mining in the Cucumber logs. I feel that the Cucumber logs are really useful to express business impact, but not so good at assessing the technical work that needs to be done.
As we know have the concept of root-cause and known-issue, but not the summary logs that reflect this data, I created a simple bash script to extract some interesting facts from the run
#!/usr/bin/env bash FILE_PATTERN="$@" if [[ -z "$(ls -1 $FILE_PATTERN 2>/dev/null)" ]] ; then printf "\n" echo No report files exists. Exiting... printf "\n" exit fi if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null then printf "\n" echo "JSON parser jq could not be found" echo "Please install it!" printf "\n" exit fi total_scenarios="$(grep Scenario $FILE_PATTERN | wc -l)" failed_scenarios="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep failed | wc -l)" printf "\n" printf "#############################\n" printf "### TEST SCENARIO SUMMARY ###\n" printf "#############################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$total_scenarios" ] then printf "No scenarios found\n" else printf "Total: %s\nFailed: %s\n" $total_scenarios $failed_scenarios fi total="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | wc -l)" failed="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep failed | wc -l)" skipped="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep skipped | wc -l)" pending="$(grep status $FILE_PATTERN | grep pending | wc -l)" printf "\n" printf "#########################\n" printf "### TEST STEP SUMMARY ###\n" printf "#########################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$total" ] then printf "No test steps found\n" else printf "Total: %s\nFailed: %s\nSkipped: %s\nPending: %s\n" $total $failed $skipped $pending fi all_issues="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements'[0].extraData |jq -c 'select(.rootCase != null)' |jq -c '"\(.rootCase.errHash)#\(.rootCase.desc)#\(.rootCase.type)#\(.rootCase.scope)#\(.id) "' | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//')" unique_issues="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements'[0].extraData |jq -c 'select(.rootCase != null)' |jq -c '"\(.rootCase.errHash)#\(.rootCase.desc)#\(.rootCase.type)#\(.rootCase.scope)"' | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//'| sort | uniq -c | sort -r)" total_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep "#" | wc -l)" tbd_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep null | wc -l)" application_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep app | wc -l)" automation_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep auto | wc -l)" unknown_issues="$(echo "$unique_issues" | grep unknow | wc -l)" printf "\n" printf "###########################\n" printf "### ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS ###\n" printf "###########################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$unique_issues" ] then printf "No issues found\n" else printf "Total issues: %s\nTo be defined: %s\nApplication: %s\nAutomation: %s\nUnknown: %s\n" $total_issues $tbd_issues $application_issues $automation_issues $unknown_issues printf "\n" printf "Most impactful issues\n" printf "\n" echo "${unique_issues}"|sed 's/#/ /g' fi slow_steps="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements' | jq -c '.[] |.steps'[] | jq '"\(.result.duration/1000000)ms_\(.name)|"' |sort -Vr | head -10 |sed 's/^.//;s/.$//')" #times="$(cat $FILE_PATTERN | jq -c '.[] |.elements' | jq -c '.[] |.steps'[]| jq '"\(.result.duration) \(.name)"' |sort -Vr | head -10 | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//' | awk '{system("date -d@"$1/1000000000" -u +%H:%M:%S")}')" printf "\n" printf "##########################\n" printf "### SLOWEST TEST STEPS ###\n" printf "##########################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$slow_steps" ] then printf "No test steps found\n" else echo $slow_steps|sed 's/_/: /g' |sed 's/|/\n/g'|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' fi worker_list="$(ls -rt $FILE_PATTERN | xargs grep -ho "\[m.*t.*\].*" | sed 's/..$//')" printf "\n" printf "####################################################\n" printf "### JOB/WORKER LIST SORTED BY TIME OF COMPLETION ###\n" printf "####################################################\n" printf "\n" if [ -z "$worker_list" ] then printf "No jobs found\n" else echo "$worker_list" fi printf "\n" printf "### END REPORT ####\n"
In order to use this script, simply run the following commands in your bash shell
curl -o chmod +x ./ *.json
I hope this simple script can inspire you to create your own utility scripts, and maybe I can share them in the bz-utils repo
Quote from Gianni on February 4, 2021, 10:04 amGreat Mats!
Can you please add a section on the new "Root Cause" object we can create from the IDE?
Great Mats!
Can you please add a section on the new "Root Cause" object we can create from the IDE?