Minimize test authoring

Test are generated by scanning your application, so no need to author or record user journeys.


Cuts test maintenance with 99 %

Simply re-scan your application to regenerate tests.


Full end-to-end coverage

Test all application use-cases end-to-end. Use parallelism to speed up execution.

A new approach to model-based testing

Boozang generates re-usable, data-driven, test steps by scanning your application interface. Use the workflow editor or write natural-language tests in Cucumber / Gherkin to glue the test steps together and test your business logic.

How Boozang works

Let Boozang do the test automation, but keep your existing tools in place.

Classify elements

Classify all elements of your application that are critical. The attributes are highlighted.

Generate model and basic tests

Scan the application and let Boozang build the application model. Verify element paths and data formats. Try out the auto-generated Cucumber tests provided by Boozang.

Create tests using Cucumber/Gherkin

Use the work-flow editor to create more complex test scenarios, or use Cucumber /Gherkin to write free-form tests

Run and improve

Run tests on your CI server of choice. Iterate and improve test coverage. Use our root-cause analysis tool to prioritize bug-fixes and improve your software development process.

Integrate to your existing tools

You can easily integrate your work with Boozang with the favourite tools you already use.

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Try Boozang today

Codeless testing that works. No credit card or commitment required.