BDD/Cucumber support

Go from simple record-replay tests to powerful data-driven tests.

Cucumber support

To support Business-driven development, we have built-in Gherkin support in Boozang.

Given / When / Then

The idea is that a business analyst or product owner write the acceptance criteria for a feature using Gherkin syntax (Given, When, Then).


Cucumber is proven and used by thousand of businesses. For an exhaustive description of the Cucumber / Gherkin language see

Cucumber scenarios as seen in Boozang Cucumber scenarios as seen in Boozang
Cucumber reporting in Jenkins Cucumber reporting in Jenkins


Use existing Cucumber reporting plugins to create stunning report visualizations.

Jenkins and other CIs

For Jenkins, checkout the amazing plugin:

Built-in reports

We also support a number of built-in report formats for a more detailed view, including performance reports.


Push and maintain your features with your code.

VCS Integrations

We support GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, and Azure version control system integrations out-of-the-box.

Jira / XRay

For Enterprise-level teams, we warmly recommend maintaining your features using XRay. We integrate with XRay out-of-the-box.

Feature files synchronized from VCS Feature files synchronized from VCS
Tagged modules in Boozang Tagged modules in Boozang

Tag support

Test execution

Tag your tests! By using tags on module and test level it’s very easy to control test executions from your CI server.

Comprehensive reports / BI

Tag by functional area and even team and extract valuable business. Slice and dice tests how you like using and/or/not logic.

Learn more about our features

Want to learn more about Boozang? Continue reading about our built-in support for Behaviour-driven development and data capabilities.

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Codeless testing that works. No credit card or commitment required.