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Feature Release 6.16.2 deployed

Patch: 6.16.2

Deployment time: 10:00 PM EST, 4th January 2022

Youtube: Learn about these features in this video


  • New feature: Log formatter in extension
  • New feature: Add root cause directly from log formatter
  • New feature: See screenshots directly in log formatter
  • New feature: Save undo/redo history server-side
  • New feature: $util function to add JS on load
  • New feature: Various updates for upcoming major release
  • Bug fix: Various system log fixes

Expected impact on existing tests: None

Status of Boozang regression: Passed

Installation: Reload browser to load the patch

Rollback: Find rollback instructions here

Forum: Find these release notes here

Latest available versions: 

  • Chrome extension to 3.8.1
  • Docker boozang-runner to 2.1.0

Learn more: Check out the Boozang youtube channel and the forum

Notes: ### We added a youtube feature video here ###

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